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We provide support & encouragement for and to the bicycling community
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If the upcoming meeting or ride hasn't been posted yet, check back!  Thank you for your interest in the Wheelmen!

SMW Group Ride Information

Anyone is welcome to join our rides.  First time riders are asked to sign a waiver that gives a new rider supplemental insurance coverage in case of accident.  If you enjoy riding with us, you are encouraged to join the club.

Most road rides are divided in to 3 sub groups: fast, medium or slower pace group.  Speeds depend on route but typically fast group averages +17 MPH, medium group averages 15 to 17 MPH and slower group averages 12 to 15 MPH.  We have ride leaders in each sub group and sometimes have electronic maps to share for loading to your cycling computer.  We watch out for everyone's safety as much as possible and do not drop riders, our slogan is no rider left behind!!!

It is important that all riders properly assess their abilities and make sure they are capable of riding the distance, pace and terrain of the posted ride they have chosen.

You must wear an approved bicycle helmet that meets safety standards.

For other cycling events around the area, check out for upcoming dates.

East Tennessee weather is difficult to predict, check website for any weather delays or ride cancellations.  SMW members will receive an email if ride is cancelled.

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